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Interests and Hobbies

Where are you likely to find him?
Pretending to read a book on the beach
Hiking in the mountains
On the frisbee field
Slow Cooking in the kitchen
Shooting landscape photography
On a comfy couch, watching sports or a show that came out 2 years ago on Netflix
Fun Facts
Avi likes to wear a watermelon on his head (it’s his kippah)
During his last move, he had 14 boxes of books (and the collection has grown)
Avi taught preschool for a year
One of Avi's superpowers is children sensing his inner child and knowing when it is time to play
As a child, he wrote a book about Killer Whales

Favorite books from the last year
This Narrow Space by Elisha Waldman
Ghosts by Raina Telgemeier
Tattoos on the Heart by Fr. Greg Boyle
Making Prayer Real by Rabbi Mike Comins
Wild by Cheryl Strayed
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